5.中华当代话语研究 (Studies in Contemporary Chinese Discourses):从当代或传统文化视角研究当代中华文化话语

5.中华当代话语研究 (Studies in Contemporary Chinese Discourses):从当代或传统文化视角研究当代中华文化话语

1. Barnett, A. D. (1967) A Note on Communication and development in communication in China. In D. Lerner & w. Schramm (Ed), Communication and change in developing countries (pp231—234). Honolulu, HI: University Press of Hawaii.

2. Cai, Z.Q. (2001) A Chinese Literary Mind: Culture, creativity, and rhetoric in Wenxin Diaolong. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

3. Chang, H., & Holt, R. (1994) A Chinese perspective on face as inter-relational concern. In S. Ting-Toomey (Ed), The challenge of face work (pp95—132). Albany, NY: State university of New York Press.

4. Chang, H., & Holt, R. (1996). An exploration of interpersonal relationships in two Taiwanese computer firms. Human Relations 49: 1489-1517.

5. Chang, H. & Holt, R. (1991) More than relationship: Chinese interaction and the principle of Kuan-hsi. Communication Quarterly 39: 251-271.

6. Chen, G-m (2006) Asian Communication Studies: What and Where to Now. The Review of Communication 6(4): 295-311.

7. Chen, G-m. (2001) Towards transcultural understanding: a harmony theory of Chinese communication. In V. H. Milhouse, M. K. Asante and P. O. Nwosu (ed), Transculture: Interdisciplinary perspectives on cross-cultural relations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Pp. 55-70.

8. Chen, G-m. (2005) The two faces of Chinese communication. Human Communication 7(1): 25-36.

9. Cheng, C.Y. (1987) Chinese philosophy and contemporary human communication theory. In D.L. Kincaid (Ed), Communication theory: Eastern and western perspectives (pp 23---43). NewYork: Academic Press.

10. Chesebro, J. W., Kim, J. K., & Lee, D. (2007) Strategic Transformations in Power and the Nature of International Communication Theory. China Media Research 3(3):1-13.

11. Chu, G. C., & Ju, Y. (1993) The great wall in ruin: communication and cultural change in China. Albany, NY: State university of New York Press.

12. Gao, G. & Ting-Toomey, S. (1998) Communicating effectively with the Chinese. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

13. Gu, Y-g. (1990) Politeness phenomena in modern Chinese. Journal of Pragmatics 14: 237-57.

14. Heisey, R. (ed) (2000) Chinese Perspectives in Rhetoric and Communication. Ablex: Greenwood.

15. Jia, W. (1997-8) Facework as a Chinese conflict-preventive mechanism—a cultural/discourse analysis. In G. Chen (Ed), Conflict resolution in Chinese [Special issue].Intercultural Communication Studies VII (1). Newbury, CA: Sage.

16. Jia, W.( 1999). From kaihui to duihua: the transformation of the Chinese civic discourse and its implications for the construction of a Chinese civil society. In R.Kluver & J. Powers (Ed), Civic discourse, civil society and Chinese communities (pp67-76), Stamford, CT: Ablex.

17. Jia, W-S (2000). Chinese Communication Scholarship as an Expansion of the Communication and Culture Paradigm. In D. R. Heisey (Ed), Chinese Perspectives in Rhetoric and Communication. Stamford, CT: Ablex.

18. Jia, W-S (2000). The Studies of Chinese Political Culture from the Perspective of Communication as Social Construction. In Guo, Sujian & Guo, Baogang(ed), Challenges facing Chinese political development. New York: Lexington Rowan Littlefield publishers.

19. Jia, W-S, D. R. Heisey & X. Lu (ed) (2002) Chinese Communication Theory and Research. Ablex: Greenwood.

20. Lau, T.Y. (1995) Chinese communication studies: A citation analysis of Chinese communication research in English–language journal. Scientometrics 33(1): 65-91.

21. Ma, R. (1996) Saying “yes” for “no” and “no” for “yes”: A Chinese rule. Journal of Pragmatics 25: 257-271.

22. Ma, R. (1992) The role of unofficial intermediaries in interpersonal conflicts in the Chinese culture. Communication Quarterly 40: 269-278.

23. Shi-xu (ed) (2007) Discourse as Cultural Struggle. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

24. Stowell, J. (1996, November) The changing face of Chinese communication: a synthesis of interpersonal communication concepts. Paper presented at the Speech Communication Association Convention , San Diego, CA

25. Yu, F.T.C.(1964) Mass persuasion in Communist China. New York: Frederick A Praeger.

26. Yum, J.O. (2003). Confucianism and communication: Jen, li and ubuntu. Paper presenred at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Miami Beach, FL.

27. 曹顺庆(2003)在对话中建设文学理论的中国话语《社会科学研究》第4期。

28. 曹顺庆,谭佳(2004重建中国文论的又一有效途径:西方文论的中国化。《外国文学研究》。

29. 曹顺庆(2007重写文学概论——重建中国文论话语的基本路径西南民族大学学报(人文社科版)03

30. 陈国明(编)(2004)《中华传播理论与原则》台北:五南图书出版股份有限公司。

31. 邓新华(2004)《中国传统文论的现代观照》四川:巴蜀书社。

32. 黄力之2001)《中国话语; 当代审美文化史论北京:中央编译出版社。

33. 李夫生,曹顺庆(2004重建中国文论话语的新视野——西方文论的中国化理论与创作04

34. 彭民权(2006话语重建:20世纪60年代初的文学理论——从周扬关于《文学概论》的讲话说起文艺理论与批评01

35. 钱冠联(2002)《汉语文化语用学》北京:清华大学出版社。

36. 申小龙(2001)《汉语语法学》南京:江苏教育出版社。

37. 沈开木 (1996) 《现代汉语话语语言学》北京:商务印书馆。

38. 施旭(2008)试论建立当代中国话语研究体系《当代中国话语研究》 11):1-12

39. 施旭(2010)《文化话语研究: 探索中国的理论、方法与问题》北京:北京大学出版社。

40. 童庆炳2004)《二十世纪中国文论经典》北京:北京师范大学出版社。

41. 王福祥(1989)《汉话语语言学初探》北京:商务印书馆。

42. 王建华,周明强,盛爱萍(2002)《现代汉语语境研究》杭州:浙江大学出版社。

43. 杨俊蕾(2003)《中国当代文论话语转型研究》北京:中国人民大学出版社。

44. 袁晖(2000)《二十世纪的汉语修辞学》太原:书海出版社。

45. 周明强(2005)《现代汉语实用语境研究》杭州:浙江大学出版社。

  • Shi-xu
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  • Cultural Discourse Studies


Centre des études du discours chinois contemporain

Université normale de Hangzhou

19-201, 2318 Rue Yuhangtang,

Cangqian, District Yuhang, 311121, Hangzhou, Chine

E-mail: shi_xu@hotmail.com

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5.中华当代话语研究 (Studies in Contemporary Chinese Discourses):从当代或传统文化视角研究当代中华文化话语

5.中华当代话语研究 (Studies in Contemporary Chinese Discourses):从当代或传统文化视角研究当代中华文化话语

1. Barnett, A. D. (1967) A Note on Communication and development in communication in China. In D. Lerner & w. Schramm (Ed), Communication and change in developing countries (pp231—234). Honolulu, HI: University Press of Hawaii.

2. Cai, Z.Q. (2001) A Chinese Literary Mind: Culture, creativity, and rhetoric in Wenxin Diaolong. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

3. Chang, H., & Holt, R. (1994) A Chinese perspective on face as inter-relational concern. In S. Ting-Toomey (Ed), The challenge of face work (pp95—132). Albany, NY: State university of New York Press.

4. Chang, H., & Holt, R. (1996). An exploration of interpersonal relationships in two Taiwanese computer firms. Human Relations 49: 1489-1517.

5. Chang, H. & Holt, R. (1991) More than relationship: Chinese interaction and the principle of Kuan-hsi. Communication Quarterly 39: 251-271.

6. Chen, G-m (2006) Asian Communication Studies: What and Where to Now. The Review of Communication 6(4): 295-311.

7. Chen, G-m. (2001) Towards transcultural understanding: a harmony theory of Chinese communication. In V. H. Milhouse, M. K. Asante and P. O. Nwosu (ed), Transculture: Interdisciplinary perspectives on cross-cultural relations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Pp. 55-70.

8. Chen, G-m. (2005) The two faces of Chinese communication. Human Communication 7(1): 25-36.

9. Cheng, C.Y. (1987) Chinese philosophy and contemporary human communication theory. In D.L. Kincaid (Ed), Communication theory: Eastern and western perspectives (pp 23---43). NewYork: Academic Press.

10. Chesebro, J. W., Kim, J. K., & Lee, D. (2007) Strategic Transformations in Power and the Nature of International Communication Theory. China Media Research 3(3):1-13.

11. Chu, G. C., & Ju, Y. (1993) The great wall in ruin: communication and cultural change in China. Albany, NY: State university of New York Press.

12. Gao, G. & Ting-Toomey, S. (1998) Communicating effectively with the Chinese. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

13. Gu, Y-g. (1990) Politeness phenomena in modern Chinese. Journal of Pragmatics 14: 237-57.

14. Heisey, R. (ed) (2000) Chinese Perspectives in Rhetoric and Communication. Ablex: Greenwood.

15. Jia, W. (1997-8) Facework as a Chinese conflict-preventive mechanism—a cultural/discourse analysis. In G. Chen (Ed), Conflict resolution in Chinese [Special issue].Intercultural Communication Studies VII (1). Newbury, CA: Sage.

16. Jia, W.( 1999). From kaihui to duihua: the transformation of the Chinese civic discourse and its implications for the construction of a Chinese civil society. In R.Kluver & J. Powers (Ed), Civic discourse, civil society and Chinese communities (pp67-76), Stamford, CT: Ablex.

17. Jia, W-S (2000). Chinese Communication Scholarship as an Expansion of the Communication and Culture Paradigm. In D. R. Heisey (Ed), Chinese Perspectives in Rhetoric and Communication. Stamford, CT: Ablex.

18. Jia, W-S (2000). The Studies of Chinese Political Culture from the Perspective of Communication as Social Construction. In Guo, Sujian & Guo, Baogang(ed), Challenges facing Chinese political development. New York: Lexington Rowan Littlefield publishers.

19. Jia, W-S, D. R. Heisey & X. Lu (ed) (2002) Chinese Communication Theory and Research. Ablex: Greenwood.

20. Lau, T.Y. (1995) Chinese communication studies: A citation analysis of Chinese communication research in English–language journal. Scientometrics 33(1): 65-91.

21. Ma, R. (1996) Saying “yes” for “no” and “no” for “yes”: A Chinese rule. Journal of Pragmatics 25: 257-271.

22. Ma, R. (1992) The role of unofficial intermediaries in interpersonal conflicts in the Chinese culture. Communication Quarterly 40: 269-278.

23. Shi-xu (ed) (2007) Discourse as Cultural Struggle. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

24. Stowell, J. (1996, November) The changing face of Chinese communication: a synthesis of interpersonal communication concepts. Paper presented at the Speech Communication Association Convention , San Diego, CA

25. Yu, F.T.C.(1964) Mass persuasion in Communist China. New York: Frederick A Praeger.

26. Yum, J.O. (2003). Confucianism and communication: Jen, li and ubuntu. Paper presenred at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Miami Beach, FL.

27. 曹顺庆(2003)在对话中建设文学理论的中国话语《社会科学研究》第4期。

28. 曹顺庆,谭佳(2004重建中国文论的又一有效途径:西方文论的中国化。《外国文学研究》。

29. 曹顺庆(2007重写文学概论——重建中国文论话语的基本路径西南民族大学学报(人文社科版)03

30. 陈国明(编)(2004)《中华传播理论与原则》台北:五南图书出版股份有限公司。

31. 邓新华(2004)《中国传统文论的现代观照》四川:巴蜀书社。

32. 黄力之2001)《中国话语; 当代审美文化史论北京:中央编译出版社。

33. 李夫生,曹顺庆(2004重建中国文论话语的新视野——西方文论的中国化理论与创作04

34. 彭民权(2006话语重建:20世纪60年代初的文学理论——从周扬关于《文学概论》的讲话说起文艺理论与批评01

35. 钱冠联(2002)《汉语文化语用学》北京:清华大学出版社。

36. 申小龙(2001)《汉语语法学》南京:江苏教育出版社。

37. 沈开木 (1996) 《现代汉语话语语言学》北京:商务印书馆。

38. 施旭(2008)试论建立当代中国话语研究体系《当代中国话语研究》 11):1-12

39. 施旭(2010)《文化话语研究: 探索中国的理论、方法与问题》北京:北京大学出版社。

40. 童庆炳2004)《二十世纪中国文论经典》北京:北京师范大学出版社。

41. 王福祥(1989)《汉话语语言学初探》北京:商务印书馆。

42. 王建华,周明强,盛爱萍(2002)《现代汉语语境研究》杭州:浙江大学出版社。

43. 杨俊蕾(2003)《中国当代文论话语转型研究》北京:中国人民大学出版社。

44. 袁晖(2000)《二十世纪的汉语修辞学》太原:书海出版社。

45. 周明强(2005)《现代汉语实用语境研究》杭州:浙江大学出版社。

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  • Shi-xu
  • Sina Weibo
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  • Cultural Discourse Studies