4. 中华传统话语研究(Studies of Classical Chinese discourse):从中华文化视角研究中华传统话语

4. 中华传统话语研究Studies of Classical Chinese discourse:从中华文化视角研究中华传统话语

1. Youlan, F. (1989) Chuang-Tzu: A New Selected Translation with an Exposition of the Philosophy of Kuo Hsiang. Beijing: Foreign Language Press.

2. Garrett, M. M. (1993a) Pathos reconsidered from the perspective of Chinese classical rhetorics. Quarterly Journal of Speech 79: 19-39.

3. Gibbs, D. (1985) Literary Theory in Wenxin Diaolong. Ph. D. Diss. Seattle: University of Washington Press.

4. Hall, D. L, & Ames, R. T. (1987) Thinking through Confucius. Albany: NY: State university of New York Press.

5. ChadHansen (1985) Chinese Language, Chinese Philosophy, and “Truth”. The Journal of Asian Studies. 44(3): 491-591.

6. Liu, X. (2004) Dragon-carving and the literary mind. Yang Guobin trans. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

7. Lu, X. (1998) Rhetoric in ancient China, fifth to third century B.C.E: A comparison with classical Greek rhetoric. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press.

8. Oliver, R.T. (1971) Communication and culture in ancient India and China. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.

9. Tu, W. (1979) Ultimate transformation as a communal act: Comments on modes of self-cultivation in traditional China. Journal of Chinese Philosophy 6: 237-246.

10. Wu, Z.J. & Lv, Q. J. (2007) Discourse of Chinese medicine and westernization. In Shi-xu (ed.), Discourse as Cultural Struggle. Hongkong: Hong Kong University Press.

11. Xiao, X. S. (1996) From hierarchical ren to egalitarianism: A case of cross-cultural rhetoric meditation. Quarterly Journal of Speech 82(1): 38—54.

12. Yum, J.O. (1988) The impact of Confucianism on interpersonal relationships and communication patterns in East Asia. Communication Monographs 55: 374-388.

13. 曹顺庆(2001)《中国古代文论话语》成都:巴蜀书社。

14. 郭绍虞1999《中国文学批评史》上、下卷。天津百花文艺出版社。

15. 孟蓝天1993)《中国文论精华:注释·今译·解析》石家庄:河北教育出版社。

16. 宋生贵(2001)虚实相生的美学特质及文化渊源,《固原师专学报(社会科学版)222):1-4

17. 涂光社(1999)《文心雕龙》话语的现代启示,《辽宁大学学报》第3期(总第157)10-13

18. 杨玉华(2000)《文化转型与中国古代文论的擅变》成都:巴蜀书社。

19. 郑子瑜(1984)《中国修辞学史稿》上海:上海教育出版社。

20. 周光庆(2002)《中国古典解释学导论》北京:中华书局。

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  • Cultural Discourse Studies


Centre des études du discours chinois contemporain

Université normale de Hangzhou

19-201, 2318 Rue Yuhangtang,

Cangqian, District Yuhang, 311121, Hangzhou, Chine

E-mail: shi_xu@hotmail.com

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4. 中华传统话语研究(Studies of Classical Chinese discourse):从中华文化视角研究中华传统话语

4. 中华传统话语研究Studies of Classical Chinese discourse:从中华文化视角研究中华传统话语

1. Youlan, F. (1989) Chuang-Tzu: A New Selected Translation with an Exposition of the Philosophy of Kuo Hsiang. Beijing: Foreign Language Press.

2. Garrett, M. M. (1993a) Pathos reconsidered from the perspective of Chinese classical rhetorics. Quarterly Journal of Speech 79: 19-39.

3. Gibbs, D. (1985) Literary Theory in Wenxin Diaolong. Ph. D. Diss. Seattle: University of Washington Press.

4. Hall, D. L, & Ames, R. T. (1987) Thinking through Confucius. Albany: NY: State university of New York Press.

5. ChadHansen (1985) Chinese Language, Chinese Philosophy, and “Truth”. The Journal of Asian Studies. 44(3): 491-591.

6. Liu, X. (2004) Dragon-carving and the literary mind. Yang Guobin trans. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

7. Lu, X. (1998) Rhetoric in ancient China, fifth to third century B.C.E: A comparison with classical Greek rhetoric. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press.

8. Oliver, R.T. (1971) Communication and culture in ancient India and China. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.

9. Tu, W. (1979) Ultimate transformation as a communal act: Comments on modes of self-cultivation in traditional China. Journal of Chinese Philosophy 6: 237-246.

10. Wu, Z.J. & Lv, Q. J. (2007) Discourse of Chinese medicine and westernization. In Shi-xu (ed.), Discourse as Cultural Struggle. Hongkong: Hong Kong University Press.

11. Xiao, X. S. (1996) From hierarchical ren to egalitarianism: A case of cross-cultural rhetoric meditation. Quarterly Journal of Speech 82(1): 38—54.

12. Yum, J.O. (1988) The impact of Confucianism on interpersonal relationships and communication patterns in East Asia. Communication Monographs 55: 374-388.

13. 曹顺庆(2001)《中国古代文论话语》成都:巴蜀书社。

14. 郭绍虞1999《中国文学批评史》上、下卷。天津百花文艺出版社。

15. 孟蓝天1993)《中国文论精华:注释·今译·解析》石家庄:河北教育出版社。

16. 宋生贵(2001)虚实相生的美学特质及文化渊源,《固原师专学报(社会科学版)222):1-4

17. 涂光社(1999)《文心雕龙》话语的现代启示,《辽宁大学学报》第3期(总第157)10-13

18. 杨玉华(2000)《文化转型与中国古代文论的擅变》成都:巴蜀书社。

19. 郑子瑜(1984)《中国修辞学史稿》上海:上海教育出版社。

20. 周光庆(2002)《中国古典解释学导论》北京:中华书局。

Centre des études du discours chinois contemporain

Think-Tank pour la Communication de la Sécurité Nationale

Université normale de Hangzhou 19-201,2318

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  • Shi-xu
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  • Cultural Discourse Studies