3. 东方话语研究(Third World Perspectives/Subaltern Studies on Eastern discourses): 从第三世界视角研究亚非拉话语

3. 东方话语研究(Third World Perspectives/Subaltern Studies on Eastern discourses: 从第三世界视角研究亚非拉话语

1. Asante, M. K. (1983) The ideological significance of Afrocentricity in intercultural communication. Journal of black studies 14: 3-19.

2. Ajiboye, Tunder (2002). A New Panlectal Medium in Nigeria: A Little but Significant Index. 14pp., paperback, Occasional Paper No. 15, Cape Town.

3. Basso,E.B.(ed) (1990) Native Latin American Cultures Through Their Discourse. Bloomington: Folkelore Institute, Indiana University.

4. Chatterjee, Partha (1993) Nationalist Thought and the Colonial World: A Derivative Discourse. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

5. Bustamante, Enrique (1997) ‘Limits’ in Latin American Communication Analysis. Media Development Vol.XLIV.

6. Chang, H-c.(1997) Language and words: Communication in the Analects of Confucius. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 16(2): 107-131.

7. Chang, H-c., Holt, R. & Luo, L. (2006) Representing East Asians in intercultural communication textbooks: A select review. Review of Communication 6: 312-328.

8. Chen, G-m. & Starosta, W.J. (2003) Asian approaches to human communication: A dialogue. Intercutural Communication Studies 12(4): 1-15.

9. Chen, G. M. (2006) Asian communication studies: What and where to now. Review of Communication 6: 295-311.

10. Chesebro, J. W. (1996) Unity in diversity: Multiculturalism, guilt/victimage, and a new scholarly orientation. Spectra 32(12): 10-14.

11. Chomsky, N. (1993) Year 501: The conquest continues. Boston, MA: South End Press.

12. Chomsky, N. & Herman, E. (1988) Manufacturing Consent: The Politics of the Mass Media. New York: Pantheon Books.

13. Croteau, D. & Hoynes, W. (1994) By Invitation Only: How the Media Limit Political Debate. Monroe, ME: Common Courage Press.

14. Chung, W., Jeong, J. & Park, N. (2005) Comparison of current communication research status in the United States and Korea. Review of Communication 5: 36-48.

15. Dissanayake, W. (1981) Towards Asian theories of communication. Communicator: A Journal of the Indian Institute for Mass Communication 16(4): 13-18.

16. Dissanayake, W. (1984) Paradigm dialogues: A Europocentric universe of discourse. In B. Dervin, L. Grossberg, B.J. O’Keefe, & E. Wartella (Ed), Rethinking communication: vol.1 Paradigm issues. Pp166-168.

17. Dissanayake, W. (2003) Asian approaches to human communication: Retropect and prospect. In Chen, G-M. & Miike (Ed), Asian approaches to human communication. Intercultural Communication Studies 12(4): 17-37.

18. Duncan, N. & P. D. Gqola, M. Hofmey, T. Shefer, F. Malunga, M. Mashige (2002) Discourses on Difference. Discourses on oppression. Cape Town: Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society (CASAS).

19. Frith, M., & Frith. K.T. (1989) The need for bridges. Journal of Communication 39(2): 183-186.

20. F. Gomes de Matos (1966) First Latin American congress of linguistics, Philology and language teaching. The Model Language Journal 50(4): 213-215.

21. Garcia Canclini, N. (1988) Culture and power: The state of the research. Media, Culture and Society 10: 467-498.

22. Hall, Stuart (1992) The West and the Rest: Discourse and Power. In Hall, S. & B. Gieben (eds.), Formations of Modernity. Polity Press.

23. Halloran, J. D. (1998) Social science, communication research and the Third World. Media Development 2.

24. Hawk, B. (1992) African’s Media Image. NewYork: Praeger.

25. Herman, E & McChesney, R. (1997) The Global media: The New Missionaries of Global Capitalism. London, England: Cassel.

26. Hirst, P. (1993) An Answer to Relativism. In Squires, J. (ed), Principled Positions. London: Lawrence and Wishart.

27. Irogbe, K. (2005) Globalization and the Development of Underdevelopment of the Third World. Journal of Third World Studies vol.XXII, No.1. Pp41-68.

28. Ishii, S. (2001a) An emerging rationale for triworld communication studies from Buddhist perspectives. Human Communnication 4(1): 1-10.

29. Ishii, S. (2006) Complementing contemporary intercultural communication research with East Asian sociocultural perspectives and practices. China Media Research 2(1): 11-20.

30. Lent, J. A. (1979) Mass communication in the Third World: some ethical considerations. In Lent, J. A. (ed), Third World Mass Media: Issues, theory and research. Willamsburg, Virginia: 1-16. (Studies in Third World Societies. Publication No.9).

31. Makoni, S. & Kamwangamalu, N. (ed) (2000) Language and Institutions in Africa. Cape Town: The Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society (CASAS).

32. Martín-Barbero, J. (1989) Cuadernos de Comunicación, Tecnología y Sociedad, España 47: 9-11.

33. Miike, Y. (2003) Toward an alternative metatheory of human communication: An Asiacentric vision. Intercultural Communication Studies, 12(4): 39-63.

34. Miike, Yoshitaka (2006) Non-Western theory in Western research? An Asiacentric agenda for Asia communication studies. The Review of Communication 6(1-2): 4-31.

35. Miike, Y. (2007) An Asiacentric Reflection on Eurocentric Basic in communication Theory. Communication Monographs 74 (2): 272-278.

36. Negri, WA Thiong’o (1986) Decolonising the Mind: The Politics of Language in African Literature. Nairobi: Heinemann Kenya.

37. Orewere, B. (1991) Possible implications of modern mass media for traditional communication in a Nigerian rural setting. African Media Review 5 (3).

38. Okabe, R. (1991) Intercultural assumptions of communication and rhetorical theries: East and West. In P. G. Fendos, Jr. (Ed.), Cross-Cultural communication: East and West. (vol.3, pp.71-93). Tainan, Taiwan: Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Cheng-Kung University.

39. Park, W. S. (2007) Ethics of expression in Greco-Roman and Chinese tradition. International Area Studies 10 (1): 91-108.

40. Prah, K. K. (ed) (1998/2005) Between Distinction and Extinction: The Harmonization and Standardization of African Language. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press.

41. Prah, K.K. (ed) (2002) Rehabilitating African Languages. Cape Town: The. Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society (CASAS).

42. Preuss, M.H.(ed) (1989) "In Love and War: Hummingbird Lore" and Other Selected Papers from Laila/Alila's 1988 Symposium. Culver City, Calif: Labyrinthos.

43. Riggs, F.W. (1987) Indigenous Concepts-A Problem for Social and Information Science, International Science Journal No.114.

44. Shome, R. & Hedge, P. R. (2002) Postcolonial approaches to communication: Charting the terrain and engaging the intersections. Communication Theory 12(3): 249-270.

45. Sherzer, J. (1990) Verbal Art in San Blas: Kuna culture through its discourse. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

46. Sherzer, J. & Urban, G. (1986) Native South American Discourse. New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

47. Urban, G. (1991) A Discourse-Centered Approach to Culture: Native South American myths and rituals. Autin: University of Texas Press.

48. White, Halbert.(1988) Economic prediction using neural networks: The case of the IBM daily stock returns. Proceedings of the Second Annual IEEE Conference on Neural Networks II: 451-458.

49. Wong, P., Manvi, M. & Wong, T.H. (1995) Asiacentrism and Asian American Studies? In M. Omi & D.Takagi (Ed), Thinking theory in Asian American Studies [Special issue]. Amerasia Journal 21(1/2): 137-147.

50. 陈光兴(2006)《去帝国——亚洲作为方法》台北:行人出版社。

51. 陈光兴(2005)亚洲独立的问题《现代思想》6月号。

52. 陈汝东(2004)《当代汉语修辞学》北京:北京大学出版社。

53. 单波(2004)现代传媒与社会、文化发展《现代传播》第1期。

54. 高祖贵(20072006年亚非拉地区形势回顾《亚非纵横》第1期。

55. 沟口雄三(1999)《作为方法的中国》,林右崇译,台湾:国立编译馆。

56. 沈开木 (1996)《现代汉语话语语言学》北京:商务印书馆。

57. 申小龙(2001)《汉语语法学》南京:江苏教育出版社。

58. 邢福义(主编)(2000)《文化语言学》武汉:湖北教育出版社。

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  • Cultural Discourse Studies


Centre des études du discours chinois contemporain

Université normale de Hangzhou

19-201, 2318 Rue Yuhangtang,

Cangqian, District Yuhang, 311121, Hangzhou, Chine

E-mail: shi_xu@hotmail.com

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3. 东方话语研究(Third World Perspectives/Subaltern Studies on Eastern discourses): 从第三世界视角研究亚非拉话语

3. 东方话语研究(Third World Perspectives/Subaltern Studies on Eastern discourses: 从第三世界视角研究亚非拉话语

1. Asante, M. K. (1983) The ideological significance of Afrocentricity in intercultural communication. Journal of black studies 14: 3-19.

2. Ajiboye, Tunder (2002). A New Panlectal Medium in Nigeria: A Little but Significant Index. 14pp., paperback, Occasional Paper No. 15, Cape Town.

3. Basso,E.B.(ed) (1990) Native Latin American Cultures Through Their Discourse. Bloomington: Folkelore Institute, Indiana University.

4. Chatterjee, Partha (1993) Nationalist Thought and the Colonial World: A Derivative Discourse. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

5. Bustamante, Enrique (1997) ‘Limits’ in Latin American Communication Analysis. Media Development Vol.XLIV.

6. Chang, H-c.(1997) Language and words: Communication in the Analects of Confucius. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 16(2): 107-131.

7. Chang, H-c., Holt, R. & Luo, L. (2006) Representing East Asians in intercultural communication textbooks: A select review. Review of Communication 6: 312-328.

8. Chen, G-m. & Starosta, W.J. (2003) Asian approaches to human communication: A dialogue. Intercutural Communication Studies 12(4): 1-15.

9. Chen, G. M. (2006) Asian communication studies: What and where to now. Review of Communication 6: 295-311.

10. Chesebro, J. W. (1996) Unity in diversity: Multiculturalism, guilt/victimage, and a new scholarly orientation. Spectra 32(12): 10-14.

11. Chomsky, N. (1993) Year 501: The conquest continues. Boston, MA: South End Press.

12. Chomsky, N. & Herman, E. (1988) Manufacturing Consent: The Politics of the Mass Media. New York: Pantheon Books.

13. Croteau, D. & Hoynes, W. (1994) By Invitation Only: How the Media Limit Political Debate. Monroe, ME: Common Courage Press.

14. Chung, W., Jeong, J. & Park, N. (2005) Comparison of current communication research status in the United States and Korea. Review of Communication 5: 36-48.

15. Dissanayake, W. (1981) Towards Asian theories of communication. Communicator: A Journal of the Indian Institute for Mass Communication 16(4): 13-18.

16. Dissanayake, W. (1984) Paradigm dialogues: A Europocentric universe of discourse. In B. Dervin, L. Grossberg, B.J. O’Keefe, & E. Wartella (Ed), Rethinking communication: vol.1 Paradigm issues. Pp166-168.

17. Dissanayake, W. (2003) Asian approaches to human communication: Retropect and prospect. In Chen, G-M. & Miike (Ed), Asian approaches to human communication. Intercultural Communication Studies 12(4): 17-37.

18. Duncan, N. & P. D. Gqola, M. Hofmey, T. Shefer, F. Malunga, M. Mashige (2002) Discourses on Difference. Discourses on oppression. Cape Town: Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society (CASAS).

19. Frith, M., & Frith. K.T. (1989) The need for bridges. Journal of Communication 39(2): 183-186.

20. F. Gomes de Matos (1966) First Latin American congress of linguistics, Philology and language teaching. The Model Language Journal 50(4): 213-215.

21. Garcia Canclini, N. (1988) Culture and power: The state of the research. Media, Culture and Society 10: 467-498.

22. Hall, Stuart (1992) The West and the Rest: Discourse and Power. In Hall, S. & B. Gieben (eds.), Formations of Modernity. Polity Press.

23. Halloran, J. D. (1998) Social science, communication research and the Third World. Media Development 2.

24. Hawk, B. (1992) African’s Media Image. NewYork: Praeger.

25. Herman, E & McChesney, R. (1997) The Global media: The New Missionaries of Global Capitalism. London, England: Cassel.

26. Hirst, P. (1993) An Answer to Relativism. In Squires, J. (ed), Principled Positions. London: Lawrence and Wishart.

27. Irogbe, K. (2005) Globalization and the Development of Underdevelopment of the Third World. Journal of Third World Studies vol.XXII, No.1. Pp41-68.

28. Ishii, S. (2001a) An emerging rationale for triworld communication studies from Buddhist perspectives. Human Communnication 4(1): 1-10.

29. Ishii, S. (2006) Complementing contemporary intercultural communication research with East Asian sociocultural perspectives and practices. China Media Research 2(1): 11-20.

30. Lent, J. A. (1979) Mass communication in the Third World: some ethical considerations. In Lent, J. A. (ed), Third World Mass Media: Issues, theory and research. Willamsburg, Virginia: 1-16. (Studies in Third World Societies. Publication No.9).

31. Makoni, S. & Kamwangamalu, N. (ed) (2000) Language and Institutions in Africa. Cape Town: The Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society (CASAS).

32. Martín-Barbero, J. (1989) Cuadernos de Comunicación, Tecnología y Sociedad, España 47: 9-11.

33. Miike, Y. (2003) Toward an alternative metatheory of human communication: An Asiacentric vision. Intercultural Communication Studies, 12(4): 39-63.

34. Miike, Yoshitaka (2006) Non-Western theory in Western research? An Asiacentric agenda for Asia communication studies. The Review of Communication 6(1-2): 4-31.

35. Miike, Y. (2007) An Asiacentric Reflection on Eurocentric Basic in communication Theory. Communication Monographs 74 (2): 272-278.

36. Negri, WA Thiong’o (1986) Decolonising the Mind: The Politics of Language in African Literature. Nairobi: Heinemann Kenya.

37. Orewere, B. (1991) Possible implications of modern mass media for traditional communication in a Nigerian rural setting. African Media Review 5 (3).

38. Okabe, R. (1991) Intercultural assumptions of communication and rhetorical theries: East and West. In P. G. Fendos, Jr. (Ed.), Cross-Cultural communication: East and West. (vol.3, pp.71-93). Tainan, Taiwan: Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Cheng-Kung University.

39. Park, W. S. (2007) Ethics of expression in Greco-Roman and Chinese tradition. International Area Studies 10 (1): 91-108.

40. Prah, K. K. (ed) (1998/2005) Between Distinction and Extinction: The Harmonization and Standardization of African Language. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press.

41. Prah, K.K. (ed) (2002) Rehabilitating African Languages. Cape Town: The. Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society (CASAS).

42. Preuss, M.H.(ed) (1989) "In Love and War: Hummingbird Lore" and Other Selected Papers from Laila/Alila's 1988 Symposium. Culver City, Calif: Labyrinthos.

43. Riggs, F.W. (1987) Indigenous Concepts-A Problem for Social and Information Science, International Science Journal No.114.

44. Shome, R. & Hedge, P. R. (2002) Postcolonial approaches to communication: Charting the terrain and engaging the intersections. Communication Theory 12(3): 249-270.

45. Sherzer, J. (1990) Verbal Art in San Blas: Kuna culture through its discourse. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

46. Sherzer, J. & Urban, G. (1986) Native South American Discourse. New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

47. Urban, G. (1991) A Discourse-Centered Approach to Culture: Native South American myths and rituals. Autin: University of Texas Press.

48. White, Halbert.(1988) Economic prediction using neural networks: The case of the IBM daily stock returns. Proceedings of the Second Annual IEEE Conference on Neural Networks II: 451-458.

49. Wong, P., Manvi, M. & Wong, T.H. (1995) Asiacentrism and Asian American Studies? In M. Omi & D.Takagi (Ed), Thinking theory in Asian American Studies [Special issue]. Amerasia Journal 21(1/2): 137-147.

50. 陈光兴(2006)《去帝国——亚洲作为方法》台北:行人出版社。

51. 陈光兴(2005)亚洲独立的问题《现代思想》6月号。

52. 陈汝东(2004)《当代汉语修辞学》北京:北京大学出版社。

53. 单波(2004)现代传媒与社会、文化发展《现代传播》第1期。

54. 高祖贵(20072006年亚非拉地区形势回顾《亚非纵横》第1期。

55. 沟口雄三(1999)《作为方法的中国》,林右崇译,台湾:国立编译馆。

56. 沈开木 (1996)《现代汉语话语语言学》北京:商务印书馆。

57. 申小龙(2001)《汉语语法学》南京:江苏教育出版社。

58. 邢福义(主编)(2000)《文化语言学》武汉:湖北教育出版社。

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  • Shi-xu
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